“Δ∆εν ξεχνώ και αγωνίζοµαι” (I don’t forget and I fight)

Since the Turkish invasion in 1974, the ‘Δ∆εν ξεχνώ και Αγωνίζοµαι’ (I don’t forget and I fight)
motto has been used by the Greek Cypriot government as a patriotic reminder of the resulting
loss of land and human lives, and to empower the struggle towards the resolution of the
problem. During the last four decades and more so recently, in a radically changing
sociopolitical and cultural sphere, the motto’s power in constructing national identity and
memory is challenged and questioned. The proposed work speculates how this strong
political motto may be seen in the new context of ‘Forgive and Forget’ in a period where
memory and history, parameters of the self and other, are being re-evaluated and re-define.

Description: Wall mounted rectangular box, with text facing the audience. When approached
by the viewer its motion activated louvers turn and obscure part of the text changing the
meaning of the phrase.