small states on un-certain stereotypes2004 / 2027 a project on contemporary art in geocultural micro-areas and small states of europe
a research journey in cyprus, iceland, liechtenstein, luxembourg, malta, monaco, montenegro, san marino and aland islands, canton ticino, ceuta, faroe islands gibilterra, guernsey, jersey and kaliningrad, through diaries, photos and videos, interviews with institutional representatives and meetings with artists.
rita canarezza & pier paolo coro
nua - new arts and contemporary arts research
main sponsors
fondazione san marino; ente cassa di faetano
republic of san marino
We have adopted an ethnographic-empirical method by carrying out on-site visits. Therefore, we autonomously adopted and used a method combining direct contact with main contemporary art institutions in the respective countries and information provided by the artists we met.
Thanks to these contacts we were able to establish lasting relations with some of these artists and representatives of cultural institutions. We collected a large quantity of cultural materials: books, art catalogues, art videos provided by artists and institutions, photos, travel diaries, video interviews, videos of landscapes and architecture and videos of contemporary art sites shot by ourselves.
Video interview:
1- Malta
interview to Marcelle Teuma and Claire Zerafa, Adrian Grima, Georgina Portelli - Inizjamed Association.
Interview to Francis Zammit Dimech - Minister of Turism and Culture
2- Luxembourg
Interview to Enrico Lunghi - Casino Luxembourg, Forum d�art contemporain
3- Liechtenstein
Interview to Friedeman Malsch - Liechtenstein Kunstmuseum
4- Monaco
Interview to Agn�s Roux - Le logoscope association
5- Cyprus
Interview to Yiannis Toumazis - Municipal Art Museum of Nicosia
6- Andorra
Interview to Carme Tintur� - Escola d�arte La lacuna
Interview to Josep M. Ubac Bernada - Servei de Promocio Cultural
interview to Luis Mallart Casamajor - Researcher in the geography of small communities, Catalan Societies of Geography
interview to Jordi Domingo - Barcelona University
7- Iceland
Interview with Christian Schoen, Director of CIA -
Center for Icelandic Art (interview relesed in Reykjav�k, August 2009)
Interview to Halldor Bjorn Runolfsson -
National Gallery of Iceland
Interview to Nina Magnusdottir - The Living Art Museum (NYLO)
Reykjav�k, August 2008
8- Montenegro
Interview to Swetlana Racanović - indipendent art curator
Interview to Mirjana Dabović Pejović - Atelier Dado / Gallery
for Contemporary Art
9- Canton Ticino (CH)
Interview to Marco Franciolli - Museo Cantonale di Lugano
Interview to Noha Stolz - La Rada, Locarno
10 - Kaliningrad (RUS)
interview to Evgenii Umanskii - Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts
nterview to Nina Petrovna Peretyaka - Head of Culture Regional Fund
consultant Ministry of Culture
11- Ceuta (E)
Interview to Bruno Garrido Ruiz - Settecollinas School, Ceuta
interview to Pilar Alvarez Del Vayo Villalta - Ministerio de Educacion, Ceuta
12- Gibraltar (UK)
Interview to Gino Sanguinetti - Chairman of the Fine Arts Association Gallery, Gibraltar
13- San Marino
Interview to Leonardo Casadei - Director of Galleria d�Arte Moderna of San Marino (from 1980 to 1984)
14 - Aland Islands
15 - Faroe Islands
16 - Guernsey
17 - Jersey
see updated production